TRI have contributed to a new book published this month by the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and Society of Cosmetic Scientists (UK) called ‘Discovering Cosmetic Science’.

Cosmetic science is at the core of a global industry worth around hundreds of billions of Dollars. This science, however, is often subject to misinformation and perceived by many as “science-lite”. A new book published this month by the Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC (UK) and Society of Cosmetic Scientists, SCS (UK) aims to correct this view and to attract talented young people into our industry. In the book, scientific experts from the SCS take readers on a guided tour around the world of cosmetic science. There are chapters covering cleansing products, hair care, oral care, skin care, colour cosmetics, perfumery, cosmetic testing methods and cosmetic claims.
Paul Cornwell, from TRI, contributed towards the chapter on Hair Care, together with Jasmine Lim from Good Housekeeping Magazine in London. You can judge the results yourself by buying the book, now available from the RSC and Amazon.
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