Latest Developments
in Lip Care Products
Testing Methods & Claims
Wednesday, March 20th, 1:00pm Est.
Virtual Attendance
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Countdown to Webinar
Wednesday, March 20th, 1:00pm Est.
Latest Developments in Lip Care Products Testing Methods & Claims
Presented by Dr. Xuzi Kang
In this free webinar, Dr Xuzi Kang (Postdoctoral Fellow, TRI Princeton) will describe several measurement techniques recently developed at TRI to evaluate the performance of lipsticks. She will explain how these methods can be used to substantiate product claims, and set your brand apart.
This presentation will describe tests that can measure the properties of the lipstick stick itself (hardness, stickiness and melting behaviour), lipstick spreadability (pay-off and layering friction), colour effects, and, lipstick transfer and longevity.
The care of the lips and prevention of dryness and cracking is always an important consumer need. This presentation will, therefore, also describe the tests available to measure lip hydration, based on spectroscopy and on skin electrical impedance measurements. The pros and cons of these approaches will be discussed.
Further Reading
Prepare for the webinar by reading Xuzi's latest research at TRI

Free Registration + Attendance
If you wish to join us in March for this free webinar, please use the registration form to save your spot.
Please contact us if you encounter issues registering or have questions about the webinar.