You are welcome to join a free webinar on Wednesday, March 20th (1:00 pm EST) titled Latest Developments in Lip Care Products Testing Methods & Claims. In this presentation, Dr Xuzi Kang from TRI Princeton will share her recent research studies on lipsticks testing and claims. For more information click here.

A key part of TRI Princeton’s mission is to create new product performance and claims testing methods for industry, and we are always looking to increase the range of product categories that we cover. Recent years have seen the institute expanding into depilatory products, nail care products, fabrics, and lip care products,
Dr Kangs’ work on lipsticks covers a wide range of areas. From understanding lip care products and ingredients on the market, to developing a wide range of new test protocols for TRI. Tests have been developed to look at lipstick performance (friction, transfer, payout etc), lipstick effects on skin moisture levels, and how lipstick colours are affected by your skin tone. In this free webinar Dr Kang will take attendees through all her work and suggest new claims areas and technologies that can be explored in the future. This should be of great interest to anyone working on Color Cosmetics, or Lip Care products.
Staff of TRI Member Companies can review Dr Kang’s work in more detail in a Note on
Research titled ‘Quantifying Lipstick Behaviours’, available in the TRI Library,