25 – 27 June 2025
Hotel Maximilian’s Augsburg, Germany
HairS'25 continues the tradition of Hair Science Conferences founded by the DWI (German Wool Research Institute).
The conference will cover a wide range of scientific hair topics, including hair biology, insights into hair structure, hair damage, and new methods and technologies. International speakers will present their latest results in hair research.
This is a great opportunity to explore the science, share experiences, engage in meaningful discussions, and enjoy the charm of Augsburg, located in the heart of Europe.
The International Hair Science Symposium (HairS), based in Germany, and TRI’s International Conference on Applied Hair Science, based in the New Jersey, USA, run on alternate years. Next year the hair science community will gather in Germany for HairS’25. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Presentations from previous TRI International Conferences on Applied Hair Science can be found in the TRI Library (2021; 2022). Presentations from the 2024 Conference will be available in the Library in October.
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