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The Latest at TRI

Last Skin Course Keynote: The Sensory System in the Skin & New Methods for Its Measurement

We are proud to announce the last of our keynote speakers for the Principles of Skin Measurement Science and Claims course that will take place on 19-20th October. Elodie Gras Lavigne, from Neuronexperts, France, will explain how the sensory system in the skin can now be replicated in in vitro cell culture systems. This breakthrough opens-up a whole new range of skin testing and claims possibilities.

Human sensory neurons (from
Human sensory neurons (from

There is a growing interest regarding the sensory system in the skin and for the role it plays in the improvement of skin health, overall well-being and disease recovery. In her presentation, Elodie will provide attendees an overview of the organisation of the sensory system in the skin. She will also highlight the role of sensory neurons in different skin treatments (anti-ageing, wound-healing, soothing of skin irritation…).

Central to the presentation will the description of brand-new in vitro cell culture methods which, for the first time, allow the testing of cosmetic and dermatological actives.


If you would like any more information about the skin course, please contact us at

The TRI Skin Course Will Run Live On-Line & Playback

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