This year, for the first time, TRI will be awarding certificates for those successfully completing the course on Fundamentals of Hair Science and Hair Claims. An on-line test will be offered to all attendees at the end of the course, and certificates for ‘Successful Completion’ of the course will be awarded to those passing the test. We hope this will help attendees by providing hard evidence of their training and continuous professional development (CPD). Register for the course by clicking here.
The annual on-line TRI hair training course usually attracts over 100 attendees from around the world and is often seen as a rite of passage for many people coming into the hair category. The course this year will be split into two main parts. On Day 1 there will be an introduction to hair structure and biology and to hair product technologies. On Days 2 and 3 the course will focus on the various techniques used for hair product testing and how these are used to support marketing claims. All the training material will be given by TRI scientists with in-depth experience in the fields they will be speaking on. Presentations, updated each year, will give the latest technical developments in all of the subjects covered.
Each day will finish with a light-hearted Kahoot! quiz to help remind attendees of key learning points from the day. Winners of the quiz will be world hair science stars for one day!
The course costs $250 to join, but, as usual, there are free places for TRI Member Companies, Academic Discounts and Group Discounts. Contact us for more details.
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