Sponsors are currently being sought for a new consortium project starting in 2021 which
aims to develop a new, industry standard, hair movement claims support test. Contact us as
soon as possible for information on how to get involved.

Healthy hair is usually right at the top of the hierarchy of consumer needs for hair care.
Consumers with straight or wavy hair want their hair to swish and swoosh with life and
vitality. Despite this, there is, as yet, no industry standard method for testing the effects of
hair products on hair movement. This is why TRI Princeton have teamed-up with a leading
equipment supplier, Bossa Nova Vision https://www.bossanovavision.com , to develop a
new laboratory test for the industry.
There will be many challenges to overcome in our project. Hair movement is a tricky area.
There are still many experimental parameters to decide on. For example, the choice of hair
length, hair weight/density, and the speed at which the hair is moved. Then there is the
technical characterization of the tress movement and the image analysis software that
needs to be developed. Finally, as if that wasn’t enough, there is understanding the effects
of important variables such as fibre thickness, curliness, stiffness, surface friction and
surface cohesion.
TRI Princeton and Bossa Nova Vision have already made great steps in building the
understanding required to build this new assay, and an instrument called the ‘Hula’ is
already available to buy. Dr Trefor Evans presented the latest results in an on-line TRI Talk
in June titled: ‘Attempting To Quantify Hair Motion’