We are pleased to announce this week that the four keynote speakers for the 2022 conference will be Prof Mike Philpott (UK), Prof Ali Dhinojwala (USA), Prof. Nicolas Le Moigne (France) and Prof David Seveno (Belgium). The 10th International Conference on Applied Hair Science will run live on-line from Monday 6th June to Friday 10th June and will be available on playback for three months after the event.
Registrations are Now Open at https://cvent.me/qvWaY3

The Conference Advisory Board works hard for each conference to find keynote speakers who, not only are experts in their fields, but who also can bring new and exciting perspectives to the hair science world. The Advisory Board this year were: Crisan Popescu (independent consultant), Jennifer Marsh (P&G), Philippe Barbarat (L’Oréal), Roger McMullen (Ashland), Tom Dawson (A*STAR, Singapore), Yann Leray (Diastron) and Trefor Evans (TRI Princeton). Many thanks to them, yet again, for their hard work!
This year, the Hair Biology Session on Monday June 6th is opened by the person who was one of the first to develop follicle culture models for studying hair biology, Prof Mike Philpott (Professor of Cutaneous Biology, Queen Mary University of London, UK). In fact, many people still talk about the ‘Philpott Model’ when referring to follicle culture systems. For our conference Mike will give us an experts’ view on the latest developments in organ and cell culture models for studying hair biology.
The Insights into Hair Structure Session on Tuesday 7th will open with a fascinating presentation on melanins, a subject not often given very much attention at our conferences. Prof Ali Dhinojwali (School of Polymer Science,The University of Akron, USA) will explain how melanins create the fantastic range of colours seen in the animal kingdom (including the hummingbird shown above), and how synthetic melanin nanoparticles made by his team have many potential applications for cosmetic and food products.
The Hair Insults and Protection Session on Thursday 9th June will be kicked-off by a keynote presentation from Prof. Nicolas Le Moigne (Hybrid Polymer Composites Group, IMT Mines Alès, France). Nicolas’ work is focussed in understanding how natural biocomposites, such as plant fibres, react to moisture. How, for example, they swell, and how they are plasticised. Looking at the mechanical properties of plant fibres will, we are sure, simulate fresh and innovative thoughts about how we measure and how we model the interactions of hair and water.
Finally, in the New Methods Session on Friday 10th June, Prof. David Seveno (Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium) will explain how his team measures the surface wettability of fibres, yarns/tows and fabrics. The surface wettability of hair is an important factor controlling hair tangling, hair drying rate, hair conditioning and many other things. So, David’s presentation should give us some interesting new perspectives on this key, but often overlooked, subject.
We would like to thank all the keynote speakers for offering to speak at our conference. All four talks look to be very fascinating and stimulating. For more information about the speakers and full abstracts of their talks please go to the conference registration site at https://cvent.me/qvWaY3
For information about sponsoring the conference or showcasing your products to the delegates please contact us at events@triprinceton.org
The full conference program will be announced very soon on the TRI Website. Keep your eyes open for updates.
Finally, we are still accepting poster submissions at Conference2022@triprinceton.org
