The first on-line version of the TRI Skin Measurement Science Course took place on 27th-29th October and attracted 120+ delegates. Feedback from the delegates was overwhelmingly positive with everyone in our survey saying that they were ‘very satisfied’ with the course content. Thank you to those that responded and for those kind words of support.

Delegates came from over 30 companies and from all over the world; from New Jersey to France, and from Brazil to Indonesia. Most delegates were from companies that supply cosmetic products and appliances, although we did attract some from raw materials suppliers.
The course also had delegates from many universities around the world including 9 students from Rutgers University (NJ, USA), plus others from London South Bank University (UK), Sheffield University (UK), Liverpool John Moores University (UK) and University of São Paulo (Brazil).
“Thank you very much for the very interesting three days of the Principles of Skin Measurements Science course.”
PhD Student, Rutgers University-Newark, USA
“I gained substantial insights from the lectures… I am looking forward to the future courses provided by TRI.”
Analytical Chemist, NJ, USA
“Great course! I learned a lot.”
Senior Scientist, NJ, USA
“I gained lots of new insights and knowledge from these three days. I hope that there will be training like this again in the future and I would be happy to join again.”
Research & Development Scientist, Indonesia
“I’ve learnt a lot!”
Lead Research Scientist, UK