The 9th International Conference on Applied Hair Science, which was held on-line from June 7th to June 11th, had 1,007 registrations from hair scientists all around the world. The largest number of registrations ever in the history of this conference.

Feedback from attendees has been very positive, with nearly everybody telling us, in the feedback survey, that they were ‘very satisfied’ with the educational content of the conference. Here are just a few comments we have received,
“It was nice to have a variety of different topics from all areas about hair. Also, it was nice that everything could be watched later as well, with the advantage to pause or go back to get a better understanding”
“High quality presentations! Broad spectrum of topics! Very good - as usual!”
“Digital format enabled participation of non-US participants from companies where travel restrictions would have prevented it normally.”
“The 6-minute oral poster presentations (were a) fantastic opportunity”
“I want to thank the organisers for finding a way to make this happen. Having not attended conferences / exhibitions and met up with less people over the past two years…..this has perked me up again, if you will, and re-lit the fire which excited me to enter this industry in the first place.”
Clearly, a job well done. Congratulations to Trefor Evans, Paul Cornwell, Marcella Gabarra, Ivana Martin, David Graham, and Eleanor Lehman for all the hard work needed to make this magic happen!
For those already registered at the conference, all the presentations can still be streamed from the conference site for the next few weeks ( Longer-term, TRI will be editing the material and putting most of it on the TRI Library ( Content will start becoming available from 1st October for TRI Library members and TRI member companies.