TRI Princeton is widely known for skin and hair claims testing and serves hundreds of clients from all around the world. In a recent article, in Cosmetics and Toiletries Magazine, Dr Trefor Evans, from TRI, provides valuable, expert advice on hair claims testing methods and equipment.

Companies come to TRI Princeton for skin and hair claims testing for a wide variety of reasons. Some need access to our advanced instrumentation and expert scientists. Some need to outsource work when their own labs are too busy. However, many come to TRI because they don’t have their own hair testing facilities, and they need data to help support their product launches. What these clients value, is the unbiased, expert, scientific advice they get from the TRI team on what tests to perform and what protocols to follow. As a not-for-profit research institute, TRI is in the unique position to be able to give completely impartial, technical advice on testing methods.
In his recent article in Cosmetics and Toiletries , Dr Trefor Evans gives his advice on how to perform some of the most widely used claim support techniques used in the hair care category: combing friction tests, single fibre tensile tests, single fibre fatigue tests, dynamic vapour sorption tests and differential scanning calorimetry tests. For anyone wanting to build their own testing capabilities, Trefor also guides readers to the leading equipment suppliers.
For more information about claims testing services at TRI Princeton, contact us at